Hayley John 13th August 2023

A Poem for Hilary (AKA ‘Love Speech’!) written with love by Hayley Payley. Aaah Hilary… Your gracious departure has left us bereft Of your kind and soft presence, your strengths, Your sweet gentleness.. To mention in just one poem all of your natural gifts Is too great a challenge to hope to do well, But Im going to attempt it, regardless of how much more there’ll be left to tell.. Hilary means ‘cheerful’, and your countenance was that, And there are so many more qualities that you so plentifully had; Your smile and your humour, your talents and skills We admired and loved you in so many ways Hils.. Your shyness and reticence were a credit to you Your mild and tender ways, your deep thoughtfulness too. A calm presence and true kindness is to name but a few of the qualities that made you, uniquely you, Your unique ways, your warm nature, your artistic talents, and a jewellery maker! Your photography, your love of the natural world, So many things you brought to our lives which we may still keep, and wear, and hold. Quiet and deep thinking, your eyes would reflect, they were blue like a beautiful sky, And with your humour, cheeky understated and warm, your eyes, they would shine. Your thought, though unknown to us, could be seen in your eyes, And they always looked knowing and kind. BUT.. when you were cross, your eyes would darken, a stormy feeling near.. A thunderous look and dark black cloud would fill the atmosphere! But wonderfully, you never became a full blown raging storm, (it was just a passing thunderous glower) Because your gentleness and pure sweet nature was clearly the greater, Superpower! Over the many years when my mum and I would chat, On mention of your name, she would always say the same.. “Oh yes Hilary? How is she? – she has such a pretty face!” Yes indeed, your face was pretty, but there’s so much more than that! Im sure we never told you quite as often as we could, How very much loved and admired you were by us, But Im also sure you would have known and responded with a blush! A carer in the proper sense, devoted and understanding.. One of those rare treasures who improved the lives of others. The simplicity of your being, in kindness and in giving, in how you chose to live.. There are so many things you brought to our lives and would generously give. When Ange and I were children, we used to call you “Hilwah” Your patience, even then, was clear, cos Ange and I were Haywire!! Hils, you will be missed a lot by us all, in different ways and measures, I still cant quite believe how patient and kind you were.. You really were a treasure. ‘Hurt no living thing’ is a poem that when I read, I think of you, your compassion; every line of it you breathed. You put up with an awful lot, with grace and understanding, Yet you patiently and tenderly continued to be giving. Spiders, birds and cats and moths, and us, Yes, every living thing Had your kindness compassion, protection and respectful understanding, And we all thank you for your love and for really, truly caring. How much we can all learn from your example, your simplicity of being! An artis, cousin, niece and carer, A sister and much beloved daughter. I for one will remember your eyes, They twinkled like sunlight on water. Today we say farewell as your complete your worldly journey, And give thanks to you for being you, Hils, you were so very lovely!